
WhatsApp for Marketers: How To Use It To Drive Massive Traffic for Sales.

WhatsApp for Marketers: How To Use It To Drive Massive Traffic for Sales.

WhatsApp for Marketers: How To Use It To Drive Massive Traffic for Sales.

Reasons why people struggle to make sales Via WhatsApp 

- Inability to generate targeted traffic 

- Not building a marketing list

- Not having an irresistible offer

- Lack of follow-ups

- Not asking for the sales.

Noting kills a business faster than a lack of sales coming in every day.

Stick with me to the end of this article and I Will like to share with you the same strategy that I used with just my Android phone and WhatsApp instant messaging app to make sales. Follow me;

Facebook has 1.65 billion active users. And you market there. 

Twitter has 310 million active users. You probably market there, too.

LinkedIn has 100 million active users. You’re on there, connecting and endorsing people for skills like “Excel Spreadsheets” and “Eating.”

But I bet you’re not marketing on a platform that has one billion users.

Yep. WhatsApp, the SMS-based platform, has more users than Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and Pinterest combined. They passed the one billion user mark this year, reaching every corner of the world (except Antarctica, but c’mon).

Not only that, but it’s kicking the ever-living life out of email. Email marketing is crucial, but think about this for a second: What’s your highest open rate? 35%? 40%?

Yeah. The average SMS text has a 98% open rate. That makes WhatsApp the most engaging marketing channel on the planet.

We’re talking about a platform that is literally taking the world by storm. A high-reach, high-engagement platform that hit 450 million monthly active users faster than any company in existence.

But I guarantee only the tiniest fraction of you actually uses WhatsApp. That’s because there just hasn’t been a way for marketers to correctly use WhatsApp.

Needless to say, they aren’t fans. This a free service that is intentionally designed to keep marketers out.

Well...until now, that is. Call me the WhatsApp Trojan Horse.

• You can’t track your success on a nice dashboard.

• You can’t boost your message by throwing dollars behind it

• You can’t search for groups to automatically join and promote your stuff.

But you do have the chance to win early on a highly underutilized platform. You can build a massive following and drive consistent, engaged traffic to your site.

And I’m going to show you how to do that by cracking the WhatsApp code.


WhatsApp is an app solution that eliminates expensive SMS texting fees. Instead of paying crazy data fees, you can use WhatsApp and send messages for free to anyone in the world.

Want to send a text message from Canada to the US? $0.

A text from Russia to your friend in Hong Kong? $0.

All that is free on WhatsApp.

WhatsApp was created in 2009 by two ex-Yahoo employees who wanted to make free communication available to all. They were the fastest to 450 million active monthly users, and in 2014 Facebook acquired them for $16 billion.

It was the largest acquisition in the history of Silicon Valley. It was 20x larger than the Instagram acquisition, and Facebook reportedly doubled Google’s bid to make sure they acquired WhatsApp.

Yeah. That’s how much Facebook believes in this app.

The cool part is you’re not limited to just text-based messages. 

You can send images:

Your location:

Voice messages:



And you can even do voice calls with WhatsApp. Just this month they passed the 100 million voice calls per day mark. It’s actually starting to overtake Skype for voice call market share.

And think about this. Facebook owns WhatsApp. The market share for Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp combined accounts for 79% of the entire messaging market.

That’s insane. As a marketer, WhatsApp gives you so many ways to communicate to an audience. Images, text, videos, voice messages...the possibilities are endless.

But you need to know who is on the other end of that app. Some countries practically rely on WhatsApp, while others are slower to adopt.

The good news? This large user base is on the brink of taking over your world.


Let’s get this out of the way upfront. WhatsApp isn’t meteorically successful in the US quite yet.

Remember: the core of WhatsApp is free text messages. In markets like Europe and Asia, that’s a huge value proposition. Data charges are crazy high, which is why WhatsApp can come in and instantly be successful.

In the US, that’s not the case. Most carriers have offered free messaging and voice calling bundles for years now. So the appeal of free texts and calls doesn’t resonate with Americans.

But that’s not to say it isn’t catching on. Ronak Patel, the webinar genius and world traveler, has this take:

• “I mainly use WhatsApp for the different friends groups and family groups that I talk to. Sharing content in it is super easy, so it’s not a pain in the ass to preview links.

• The other big thing is talking to people internationally. I’ve got friends outside the US, and it’s free to talk to them on WhatsApp."

Americans with international friends or frequent group conversations easily see the benefits. Plus, WhatsApp nailed the content sharing formula, making message users choose the app over the native iPhone SMS.

In 2014, 11% of Americans used WhatsApp. The app is slowly picking up steam, so American marketers need to ready themselves for an abrupt change in the market.

But let’s turn our eye to outside the US. There are 42 billion messages sent through WhatsApp each day, and 109 countries across the world turn to WhatsApp as their primary messaging app.

Fifty percent or more of the population in major countries like South Africa, Argentina, India, Spain, Mexico, Italy, Germany, and Brazil use WhatsApp.

And while teens in Germany and the UK are fans of WhatsApp, they’ve really hit a sweet spot with adult users:

The sweet spot for the app is ages 25-44. So many apps and platforms bust their butt to target the 15-24 demographic, but WhatsApp wins because they’re a premier choice for adults.

That consistency straight-up dwarfs Snapchat and WeChat. Adults want to communicate, and they use WhatsApp to do it. WhatsApp is used heavily outside the US by adults.

As a marketer armed with this information, you face two scenarios.

1. You market to an international audience, so WhatsApp needs to be on your radar ASAP.

2. You market to the local audience, so you have the opportunity to be an early adopter.

Either way, WhatsApp is the platform you need to focus on for the rest of 2021 and beyond. Those in the first camp are tapping into an existing market. Those in the second camp can become early adopters and ride the wave when the app blows up.

Come with me and I’ll show you how to knock down the doors of WhatsApp (before anyone else does).


Make no mistake. While WhatsApp has been labeled as an anti-marketing company, they’re about to see some big changes that’ll get the attention of every marketer on the planet.

How do I know that? Two reasons:


WhatsApp used to charge each user $1 per year. They stopped, because they didn’t want users to worry about losing contact with friends and family because they didn’t have a debit or credit card.

They are, however, going to monetize from businesses. The Facebook team is one of the best at monetizing user bases, and they’re certainly going to turn their eyes toward WhatsApp.

Forbes already predicts Facebook could make five billion dollars off WhatsApp soon:

And that revenue is dependent on business development. Hell, even Mark Zuckerberg said it’s not worth monetizing a platform until it gets one billion users.

WhatsApp hit that this year. If they’re asking for money from businesses, chances are those businesses will get to market on WhatsApp.


In the same blog post, WhatsApp said they were looking to build new ways for businesses to communicate with users:

• “Starting this year, we will test tools that allow you to use WhatsApp to communicate with businesses and organizations that you want to hear from. That could mean communicating with your bank about whether a recent transaction was fraudulent, or with an airline about a delayed flight.”

They still don’t want to do ads. But they’re creating tools for businesses to communicate with users.

This combo means businesses (and marketers) are about to get unparalleled access to a platform rife with engaged users.

Here’s the problem. Once they open up to businesses, it’ll be too late for you to win.

It’s all about who can establish a presence first. Gary Vaynerchuck has made a career off being first to a new social media channel.

You have to strike first. If you can carve out a niche before everyone else, you’ll have a massive head start over every marketer.

Here’s how you can do that right now BEFORE everyone else.


Duh. But still, there’s a lot of thought that goes into creating an account.

On the surface, it’s a straightforward process:

• Install the app on your phone

• Create a 25 (max) character name

• Select a profile picture

• Write a 139 (max) character status describing who you are

Easy, right?

You need to consider two things before you create your account:

1. Will you always have that name: Your name is permanent as the app is built for people, and people’s names rarely change. When you input your name, make sure you aren’t changing it soon. Once you choose your name, you can’t change it.

2. Will you always have that phone number: Think you can just install the app on someone’s phone? What happens if that person leaves? Or what happens if job titles change and the phone’s owner doesn’t run WhatsApp anymore? The account is bound to a singular phone number. Make sure the phone you install WhatsApp on is going to be around for a while.

Those are the big questions to consider before you create an account.

Some Good Questions

Q: Should I use a picture of me in my WhatsApp profile or of the brand?

A: Your brand. Because your brand may be a company name OR it may be you. If you work at a company and you’re using your personal image as the brand, think again.

Q: What should I put in my status? Do people look at my profile?

A: People rarely look at a status. It’s like opening up your contacts list and looking at each individual contact. If you’re curious as to how many people look at your profile, you can use the WhatsApp Mobile Viewer (WARNING: This is a third party app not affiliated with WhatsApp).

Q: Where can I put a URL to my site?

A: In your status. You have 139 characters to use, and you can certainly include a URL to your site. However, the link isn’t clickable, so you have to hope someone copies and pastes your URL into a browser.

Q: Then how can I use my status to drive traffic via WhatsApp?

A: WhatsApp is different from Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram because links you post aren’t clickable. Because of that, your status won’t be the best place to drive traffic. You’ll want to use your messages to do that.

Ok, easy part over. You’ve got an account. It’s….there. Collecting dust.

So let’s fill up that contact list.


Here’s the fun part. When you talk to most marketers, they’ll say WhatsApp isn’t viable because there isn’t an easy way to build an audience.

Of course there isn’t an easy way. That’s what makes it worth it.

This is permission-based marketing in its purest form. You have to ask people to join AND you have to give them a great reason to join your group. Especially since they’re giving you their cell phone number.

Since you can’t search for users or pay to acquire them, you have to rely on two methods for growing your WhatsApp following.


This is the easier of the two methods because you’re not even asking a visitor to give up their number. This is you trusting your number to the masses and giving them the choice to add you.

(Hint: This is why I suggest getting a dedicated phone for a business WhatsApp account. If you’re using your own number, you’re essentially giving out your personal number.)

.That does the job of asking the reader to respond to your number. PLUS, it gives the value prop in the description -- aka the “why.”


And this tactic involves more than meeting up at a bar and saying “Give me your number.”

It’s also a little harder than the first tactic. Now you’re asking for someone’s phone number which, if we use my college dating life as a baseline, can be a very difficult thing.

The previous method places a lot of responsibility on the user. Not only do they have to add you on WhatsApp, but they have to text you, too. For them, there’s no value in that second action. They’d rather add you and be done.

This second method cuts that step but places more work on you (yay!). The user simply gives their phone number to you. It’s up to you to take that number and add it into your contact list.

Granted, there are the standard ways of presenting this ask (Facebook, Twitter, asking your friends). But let me give you a unique way that can drive signups.


Pardon the pun. But if you want to take it a step further, you can specifically target mobile users. They’re the ones able to access WhatsApp easier, right?

You can target those users with a pop-up, and you don’t even need special coding expertise or a degree from MIT to do it. You can set up a List Builder or Scroll Box pop-up. Then any pop-up you create will show up for mobile users: 

And again, from there you have to manually enter the number into your WhatsApp account.

A Good Question

Q: How do I get followers on different platforms to follow me on WhatsApp?

A: It’s as simple as asking. A tweet with your number on Twitter, a post on Facebook mentioning your number, an Instagram image with your anything, you just have to ask. This opens you up to adding people that aren’t on your email list, meaning more opportunities to convert visitors.

Got some numbers? Great!

Now what?


You can message people 1-to-1 (we’ll talk more about that later). But, most likely, you’ll want to send one message to as many people as possible.

That’s why you need to create groups within WhatsApp. The problem is, there are some restrictions that apply:

• You Have to Create The Groups Yourself: Not a big deal, but worth noting. You can’t search for existing groups like in LinkedIn, and every group you create is private.

• You Have To Add All The Numbers: Yep, more numbers. You have to physically type in all the numbers you collect into the individual groups.

• You Have A Max Group Size: Group sizes keep going up, but they’re still not massive. You can create a group up to 256 people. However, you can have unlimited groups. So while not everyone can be in the same group, you can create duplicate groups for your subscribers. (NOTE: Though bigger groups and public groups could be near.)

Things To Consider When Making Groups in WhatsApp

• Who Will Be In Your Group: Since you’re limited to 256 people per group, you have to decide who will be in which group? All girls in one and guys in another -- college-style? Segment by age? Mix everyone together? It’s up to you.

• What Will The Dynamics of Each Group Be: Different combinations of people will produce different dialogues in these groups. As you add people to groups, think about the demographics and psychographics of your groups.

• Will You Move People Between Groups: What happens if some people respond quite a bit but others don’t? Do you move them to a new group? Consider overall dynamics and how your audience will feel if they’re moved from group to group.

Good news. If you got through this, then you made it through the most difficult, time-consuming part of WhatsApp. You’ll have everyone in a group, ready to interact with you and your audience.

Now you get to do the fun stuff.


This is where WhatsApp gets me all hot and bothered (in a good way) as an early-adopter marketer. The possibilities are mouth-wateringly tantalizing.

Think of this platform as email on steroids. Not only can you communicate one to many, but you can communicate one to one for highly personalized interaction.

And they’ll open your message, too. DigitalDefynd found that your message has a 70% chance to be opened. Email can’t touch that.

So when I look out onto the WhatsApp horizon, I see five ways you can use this app right now to build a massive following (before they open the app up to businesses

Congratulations as you got to this point. Right now I will like to share the strategy that I used with just my android phone and WhatsApp instant App to make sales and this strategy is a digital product called WHATSAPP INSTANT MARKETING. 

If you serious on taking WhatsApp Marketing to another level use the whatsapp button below to send me a Direct Message and I will assist you. 

Bonus Material: 5 Mistake To Avoid  In WhatsApp

This product contains step by step guide on how to drive the right traffic. Bonus Material: 5 Mistakes To Avoid In WhatsApp. Is all you need to increase your sales speed within a short period of time and the results will amaze you .. CLICK  HERE TO READ MORE ON HOW TO USE WHATSAPP TO GENERATE SALES .

And how you can also use this simple secret system to your advantage.

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