
How to be a Millionaire without losing Sleep

 ◦ Psyche

You will have to lose sleep. Except you are born with wealthy, then you shouldn't be reading these posts. Or maybe you should, how long will you bank on generational wealth.

Most of the Millionaires we know in the world today, have at most 6 hours of sleep as opposed to the 8 hours required for a healthy human being but you should ask yourself, Do they look unhealthy?

How to be a Millionaire without losing Sleep

 ◦ Passive Income 

What you really want is to make money while sleeping, which is called passive income. Passive income is an income stream that works even while your direct effort is not involved. In passive income you make money even while your efforts are not involved, active or sleeping. 

How Much Passive Income Can I Earn? 

You can make as much or as little passive income you want. However, it’s not a get-rich-quick scheme. You’ll need to put in some hours, effort initially, and capital to create a passive income source. 

Most Popular Passive Income as at 2021?

 ◦ Run a Blog

The most popular passive income stream tends to come from blogging. Blogging has helped countless entrepreneurs earn passively through affiliate links, courses, sponsored posts, products, book deals, and more. you can write about your journey to life ,travels and life experiences.

run a blog

 ◦ Invest in Stocks

Even the world’s richest people own majority stocks in every industry and this has helped deepen their endless bank accounts. You must research to make the right decisions which is an active role,lots of billionaire invest in stock market a lot,so its a great idea to take that train in life .


 ◦ Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing became one of the best passive income opportunities available today ever since the pandemic breakout. The upside to it is that almost every big brand has an affiliate program so you can sell some pretty popular products and rake in the dollar and naire .you can read about Affiliate marketing and how to start

affiliate marketing

 ◦ Create YouTube Videos

YouTube became a sort after means of passive income that just keeps on giving. From sponsored videos to ad revenue, you’ll find that you can make recurring income from your YouTube channel. However, the secret to creating a successful YouTube channel is creating content on a consistent schedule for a long time. recommended ways to create and monetize your YouTube channel 

create youtube videos

 ◦ Write an eBook

You would agree that we've seen a lot of writers come up in the last year and majority released mostly eBooks which served both parties amicably. Providing much needed information at the comfort of your home and getting same information at the comfort of your home

write a book

 ◦ Network Marketing

This provides a business model that depends on person-to-person sales that is one on one word of mouth or other conversational means which often accommodates working from home. 

network marketing

P. S

To be financially free, your passive income must exceed your cost of living which includes your lifestyles 

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