
where to buy cryptocurrency 2021

Where can someone buy crypto [bitcoin, eth, etc], crypto is an online digital currency in the market now everyone is taking a peak from it.

What is cryptocurrency? 

crypto which is the short form of pronouncement is a digital currency that is secure by cryptography making it impossible to counterfeit , it's decentralized, Many cryptocurrencies are decentralized networks based on blockchain technology.

example of crypto is Bitcoin,Ethereum, Doge, Tether, Cardano, BNB, Xrp, Steller,Litecoin, so much more

fiat money is used to purchase crypto, 

What's fiat money? 

fiat money is government money that is not back by a commodity e.g gold, its been control by the central bank of each government .its used to buy crypto which is not control by the government.

Where can I buy crypto?

you can buy crypto at 

They are lots of them out there, but I did make use of these, I bought and sold with them.

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