
6 Best ClickBank Products to promote In 2021

6 best Clickbank product to promote in 2021 I will show you the best products that are working right now on Clickbank that are making people the most money and what I want to do is I want to break down the best ways to actually promote these products as well and some of these products payout pretty good money.

6 best Clickbank product

One of them even pays out over $300 per sign up on average so if you want to make money on ClickBank you're wanting to know what the best products are currently right now at this point in time that people are making money from then you're going to want to read this post all to the way to the end so you don't miss any of these products now, I've been making money on Clickbank full time for a very long time now and i know what works and what's not working at the current time.   I know what the best products are right now and this is an updated version from some of the other post that I've done in the past just so you know what is actually working right now so let get into the post. 

1: perpetual income

       the first product we're going to be talking about in this video is a product called perpetual income now this product pays out a massive 316 on average now this is in the make money online niche and this is one of the top products right now that's converting very well now the reason I like this product is that it's kind of new to the marketplace but more importantly it's been optimized. 

       so the creator of this product knows what work they've optimized it to get you the maximum income per click and you can also make up to $500 per sale but the average is around about $316 this is a very good product to be promoting right now it's very popular and a lot of people are making money from this and it also has an affiliate page where you can find all of the information that you need like banners emails and everything you need ready to go so you can start promoting this product now 

The best way to promote this product that we've found is by doing and solo ads I will have some tutorials below on how you can use solo ads to promote Clickbank products and youtube so a lot of people that have youtube channels or are starting youtube channels in their affiliate marketing niche to make money online niche they are promoting this particular product because it works very well with youtube traffic so that's the first product here in the make money online space just look for this one here called perpetual income 365. they're constantly updating it constantly adding more stuff and constantly optimizing it so you make more money with this product now.

2: Sqribble 


      The next product guys don't make as much money so this product here makes around about $42  per sale that you make so you'll make around about forty-two dollars now the best part about this product is once again it has its own affiliate page where you can find all the information that you need it's optimized and people have made really good money with this product including myself now this product what it is is it's a software that helps people create amazing ebooks so it's not in the make money online space it's not in the health space it's a little bit different to what we usually talk about but this product works very well and a lot of people making good money promoting this product,

 And the best way to promote this product is via blogs,, and free traffic, just any free traffic method that you are currently using you can implement this and what you should be doing is blog posts youtube videos on how to create ebook covers and ebooks and then promoting this particular product you're gonna have to line it up the product with the audience but this is what this product is the best for is for showing people how to create ebook covers and then promoting this particular product and people are making really good money by promoting it this way so if you have a blog have a youtube channel or you want to make a blog or youtube channel this is a very good product to promote. If you want to do content based on how to create ebooks.

3: 12-minute affiliate system

        Now the next product guys are one of my favorites and I've been promoting this for some time now and this is called the 12-minute affiliate system and they pay out a pretty good income here of around about 154 dollars and 44 cents per commission on average now the best part about this product is they have an affiliate page but more importantly they actually have a webinar that you can promote so you can promote this webinar and it's kind of like your bait so you can say they come and check out this free training on how to start an affiliate marketing business and this is really really good for solo ads Facebook ads, google and youtube ads. 

 general youtube channels in the make money and affiliate marketing space but more importantly it works best for Facebook,solo ads, and youtube, and the reason is that they give you all the ad copy you need they give you all the emails that you need they give you the webinar that you can send traffic to literally everything is there that you can use to make money with

      this specific ClickBank product this is one of the best ClickBank products online right now that people are promoting and it's optimized as well just like some of the other products that I've showed you but the best thing i like about this product is one of the only products on ClickBank where you get everything that you actually need a lot of products will give you some stuff but this guy gives you everything like the emails the ads everything that you actually need to go and do this you don't need to do anything yourself and like I mentioned it's a webinar structure so you're sending someone to a free training it's a lot easier to promote a product when there's something for free that you can send people to 

4: Okinawa flat belly tonic

       Okay now the next one is in the health space and this is one of the biggest health products right now in fact it is the top health product it's called the okinawa flat belly tonic

 now this pays out an average of 134 per conversion heaps of people promoting this right now because it is the top health product they have an affiliate page with everything that you actually need to do this now there's really only one way to make money fast with this particular product and that is facebook ads okay so these products are the best for facebook ads and what you want to be doing is you want to be sending people to a quiz page then to the product i think flat belly tonic you get an average of 134 now people do make very good money with these health products


5:vert shock

it is the top house product on clickbank right now this product here is one of my favorites you've probably seen it before it's been one of my favorites for many years now and this is called vert shock in the sports niche and it's a basketball training course and you can get around $38 average per commission now the best part about this product the reason why i like it it's been around for like five years probably even more than that it's optimized it's a high converting product and it works and once again they've got all the affiliate stuff here and it works the best for organic google traffic blogs 

 what do i mean by that essentially if you can do blogs and content based on vert shock review how to jump higher how to dunk higher best basketball training program all of these people have done youtube videos so youtube videos as well works really great but they've also done blogs on this specific program.  

6 :Salehoo

 This one called Salehoo wholesale and dropshipping directory and you get a 90 conversion now if you're in the ecom niche this is good for you I'm not going to give you traffic tips on how to promote this but if you've got an e-commerce email list or you're in the e-commerce space promoting any commercial product or teaching people how to do e-commerce this is the very good product that you can actually go and promote to make money in the e-commerce space I have made money from this it's optimized they've got an affiliate page and they pay out good really good, I had a Facebook group with it and made good money from it..

      if you don't know how to promote any of these products kindly read this evergreen post 
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