
How to make passive income on amazon

 Amazon is a multi billion company is founded by Jeff Bezos ,its an e-commerce platform where sellers display their product and sale to the public , there's a lot you can do on amazon , but for the purpose of this blog post we going to write about two ways and also a premium training you can take if you want to get more knowledge about the two methods.

How to make a passive income on amazon through publishing ebook .

you can make passive income by publishing ebook on amazon kdp, using Amazon. one way you can do this is to create ebooks and sell them by self-publishing them using kindle direct publishing so you can go to to do this you can create all sorts of books obviously if you're a really good writer you can do more like fiction and create your own series  

how to make passive income with amazon

this method they go more the non-fiction route create books either in mass and publish new books all the time on very niche topics and make maybe you know few hundred dollars a month from each book .

you can publish one really good book and just put everything you have into that so depending on how you go is going to determine your strategy of course with that but you can earn up to 70 percent royalties in a lot of the major countries with this and you don't have to go through publishing companies,

          So for instance, one thing you could do is research different niche topics that you could do books on and then figure out some subcategories where there's still enough volume that a lot of people are searching for these topics you can use keyword research tools or make use of google search engine to access topics 
google search engine

Basically, you can study more about how to kick-start your amazon kdp on via the recommended training , importantly its imperative you research and get a niche to write about ,you can earn royalties for life after your first publish , you just have to make sure you choose a good niche so you can get traffic to your ebook or published book.without traffic no sale will come in .

How to get traffic to your amazon kdp page .

the best way to get traffic to your amazon kdp page is by sharing it to your social media page ,facebook,instagram,quora ,medium ,you can insert the link on your about sessions on your various pages.

How to make a passive income on amazon through amazon affiliate .

you can make a passive income on amazon through amazon affiliate program , obviously you know the meaning of affiliate ,apparently everyone does it one way or the other, it's basically referring clients to a product when the clients or customer buys you earn a commission through it ,

how to make passive income through amazon affiliate

Affiliate marketing. basically is what lots of big brand do with amazon product because its trusted and lots of people buy from the platform. , you can register at, you can choose a niche and start promoting the product.

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